Protect Your IdentityProtect Your Identity

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Protect Your Identity

After watching recent news stories, I’m becoming increasingly worried about identity theft. I’ve heard stories about how people’s lives have been turned upside down for years after getting their identity stolen. This unsavory business is alive and well all over the world. Fortunately, you can do things to safeguard your personal assets from identity thieves. One smart idea is to purchase a safe for all of your sensitive paper documents. While many of your confidential information is digital nowadays, some of it is not. On this blog, you will learn how to protect your identity by purchasing the best safe for your confidential papers.


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Locked Out in a Lighting Storm? Your Guide to Weathering a Storm Until Help Arrives

If you happen to get locked out of your car during a lightning storm, you have to do all you can to stay safe while you're waiting for someone from the locksmith service to arrive. Although they can be beautiful, lightning storms are powerful and dangerous, and people die from being struck by lightning. Fortunately, a great number of things can shelter you from the storm and keep you safe. You just have to know what types of shelters are best and which ones to avoid. Following are a few tips for weathering a storm when you're locked out of your car. 

Get Indoors

Do not wait by your car for the locksmith to arrive. There's no rule that says you have to stay with your car to flag down the truck, but you might want to call them to alert them that you're seeking shelter from the storm. Always put your safety first. If there is a business or building nearby, wait out the storm in there. It's always safest to be indoors during a lightning storm because buildings have components such as plumbing, wring, and other grounding mechanisms that harness the electricity and allow it to pass safely through the building and into the ground. 

Avoid Small Structures

Being inside is ideal, but waiting out a storm in a small shelter, such as a shed or outhouse, is worse than being out in the storm. For this reason, you should avoid small structures, such as tents, outhouses, and garden sheds. A simple rule of thumb to follow is this: if the building is small and does not have plumbing or electricity, it is not a good shelter. 

Avoid Open Areas

Lightning is attracted to the tallest thing in a vicinity, which might be you if you're standing in the middle of a vacant car lot next to your locked car. If you find yourself in such a situation, crouch down in a ditch or depression in the earth. Do not lie flat on the ground. Instead, put your head between your knees and cover your ears. 

Avoid Singular Objects

A single tree or outcrop of rock will attract electricity. If you must be near objects, do not stand near single ones. For example, stand next to a small grove of short trees in the midst of tall trees. Also, avoid standing near anything that's metal, such as a flag pole or fence. 

It's vital that you do all you can to avoid being struck by lightning while you're waiting on a locksmith to arrive and let you in your car. If you can't wait in a nearby business or building, take measures to find the safest possible spot outside until help arrives. Contact a service like Ottawa Key Shop right away and stay safe.