3 Types Of Keyless Commercial Locks A Locksmith Can Repair
When you had a keyless locking system installed on your business doors and storage areas, you may not have thought ahead to possible commercial lock repair. There is a misconception that because the keyless lock system uses a digital system that an electrician would need to be called if there was a repair. The truth is your locksmith would still handle any commercial lock repair you have, keyless or traditional. Here are three types of keyless commercial locks that a locksmith can repair at anytime.
Pin Code-Based Keyless Locks
Pin code-based keyless locks are the most common keyless systems for businesses. These systems work on a key code entry that is either entered into a traditional locking system or a digital keypad. If there is a power outage or the digital keyless system was hit by lightning during a storm, the pin code can be lost. This leaves you locked out of the building until it is reset. A locksmith can come out and do a reset of the pin code as well as enter a new pin code for the system.
Card Swipe Keyless Locks
A card swipe system is also common with commercial locks, however, the card swipes are generally inside of the building. These swipe devices can become damaged due to overuse, rough use, or if the card swipe is used too frequently in a certain span of time. For example, if an employee continually swipes their card and has a reader error or the card is rejected, it may look to the system as if there is an attempted break in. The system will then lock out until the potential threat has been cleared. The locksmith can clear the system, repair the card swipe device or replace it, and can create a new swipe card if necessary for the employee.
Biometric Keyless Locks
Biometric keyless locks are one of the most secure options your business can have. However, when they break down they will need professional repair quickly. The lens that reads the fingerprint of the eye scan can become damaged which can throw off any reading. This means no one can access the building during the downtime waiting for a repair. In many cases, your locksmith can either repair the lens or simply replace the entire biometric lock for that specific door. Your IT department can then handle reentering and configuring the data for the new lock.
These are only three types of keyless commercial lock repair a locksmith can handle. Keep in mind, locksmiths can also handle push bar door repairs on your business doors. If you are unsure about the services that a commercial locksmith can offer, consider having one visit your establishment to discuss the options available to you, possible repairs, and lock issues they find.